Thursday, March 22, 2012

IRONY & CHUTZPAH ALERT: Schweikert Campaign Running With Club For Growth "Endorsement", Slams Quayle

Well, the Club for Growth says it wants to stay neutral in the Republican primary contest between freshman incumbents David Schweikert and Ben Quayle, but the Schweikert campaign is using yesterday's demand letter as an endorsement.

One day after the letter which Quayle described as "astonishing", the Schweikert campaign sent out an "ICYMI" (in case you missed it) fundraising e-mail, touting the CFG letter as evidence that "Schweikert has always had the courage to stand up for our shared conservative principles - even when members of his own party are on the other side.
(italics added).

Since Quayle and Schweikert are typically on the same side of most votes, and since Quayle has had a higher ranking from the Club than Schweikert, it is worth emphasizing the last part of that campaign e-mail quote.

The next, call-to-action quote is similarly noteworthy:

"With way too many politicians refusing to get government spending under control and lacking the commitment to reduce the size of government, we need someone who will stand up!" (That is a clickable sentence which takes the clicker to the contribute page.)

Campaign e-mails may be held to a different - lower - standard, and hyperbole may be de rigeur. But, the chutzpah and irony of a campaign turning a neutrality demand letter into an endorsement is certainly worthy of mention here.

Here is the body of the e-mail (a fundraising update and the AP article is appended but not included here):

Yesterday, the powerful anti-tax group Club for Growth fired a warning shot across the deck of the Washington establishment.

The Associated Press, along with other national news outlets filed stories on the Club's warning to House GOP leadership. Club for Growth President Chris Chocola said:

"We will not sit back and allow House Republican leaders to invest resources with impunity against an incumbent fiscal conservative like Rep. David Schweikert... [who] stands for the principles of economic freedom even when members of his own party pressure him to do otherwise."

David Schweikert has always had the courage to stand up for our shared conservative principles - even when members of his own party are on the other side.

With way too many politicians refusing to get government spending under control and lacking the commitment to reduce the size of government, we need someone who will stand up!

Can David Schweikert count on your help TODAY?

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