Wednesday, April 11, 2012

DEAR MA, PLEASE SEND MONEY: Antenori Campaign: Dems Are "Relentlentness" and Attacking Us Because We Filed Late (and Often)

Frank Antenori (R-running-for-CD8) is asking supporters for a last minute "money bomb" to fight the "liberal assault' against him.  In the second plea to go out to his e-mail list since Monday, the Antenori campaign claims that Democrats are "using the liberal media" to attack him because they know that he is the only candidate who could beat the certain Democratic nominee, Ron Barber.

The e-mail details why he believes each of Antenori's three primary campaign opponents (the primary election is next Tuesday) would be unable to beat Barber to replace the now-retired Gabrielle Giffords.

Arizona's Politics was unable to find any attacks by Democrats on Antenori.  If he is referring to the negative media coverage he has received this past week because of his campaign finance reports, he would be hard-pressed to convince even hardcore supporters that the Democrats are behind that media coverage and he has not brought on such coverage by his campaign's own inability to comply with the reporting deadlines and rules.

The unedited text of his money plea is below the jump:


Senator Antenori Needs You NOW!

Contribute Now []

ONLY Antenori Can Beat Ron Barber and The Dems Know It!

Help Us Reach Our Goal of $15,000!

We Need Media Buys to Combat Liberal Assault!

Using the liberal media, the Dems are relentlessness in attacking Senator Antenori.
We must fight back and it's not to late!!

Frank Antenori is the ONLY candidate capable of beating Democrat Ron Barber and 
stopping the Pelosi/Grijalva/Wasserman-Schultz stampede on CD8. Results matter. 
Antenori has seen communism and terrorism up close and personal, looked it in the
eye and stopped it. His new mission is to stop the Democrat machine.

DONATE $250, $100, or $50 []

Why These Opponents Will NOT Work for CD 8!

Jesse Kelly

Spent $1.6 million and LOST in a year where GOP candidates won every other targeted
race in the United States. He has no record, no experience, lost last election,
moved to Texas, and came back to run again! A college dropout in the first semester!

Martha McSally

No elected or appointed office; no record; no experience; Spent last two years in
Europe. Unfamiliar with state and local issues! The Dems happily embrace her bi-partisan,
reach across the aisle mentality, the same mentality that got us the current $15
trillion dollar debt. McSally will get you a Democrat in CD 8!

Dave Sitton

The Tucson "GOP establishment" has anointed Dave Sitton as their candidate because
Antenori is "too conservative." Where have we seen this movie before? Another election,
with another milquetoast, establishment backed candidate with large amounts of money,
who will still get trounced by the Democrats.

CD8 has lacked aggressive representation for far too long. Elect the real conservative.
Elect the conservative the left fears because he will not back down. Vote for Frank

DONATE $250, $100, or $50 TO SEND FRANK ANTENORI []

Conservative results accomplished by Senator Antenori.

* Voted for the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act to opt-out of Obama Care. Giving
every Arizonan the right to refuse to buy into the largest socialist program in 
the history of the United States. Currently before the US Supreme Court.
* Defends the Arizona border. Voted for SB1070. Fighting illegal-immigration and
standing up to Janet Napolitano's failure to secure our borders. Currently before
the US Supreme Court.
* Voted for and sponsored major regulatory reductions that helped small businesses
expand and create jobs.
* Has already reduced the size of government 15%.

* Took on the labor unions, stopping their assault on Arizona taxpayers.
* 2011 Hero of the Taxpayer - Americans For Prosperity
* 2011 National Federation of Independent Businesses - Guardian of Small Business
* 2011 Tucson Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce - Spirit of Business Award
* 2011 AZ Manufacturers Council - Senator of the Year
* 2011 AZ Sportsmen for Wildlife - Legislator of the Year
* 2011 Advocate of the Year - AZ Game and Fish Commission
* 2011 Unified Arizona Veterans - Copper Shield Award for protecting Arizona veterans
* 2011 U.S. Department of Defense - Certificate of Appreciation for leadership on
public policy changes positively impacting the quality of life of Service members
and their families.

Contribute Now []

Onward to Victory! []

Paid for by Frank Antenori for Congress

We welcome your comments about this post. Or, if you have something unrelated on your mind, please e-mail to info-at-arizonaspolitics-dot-com or call 602-799-7025. Thanks.

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