Saturday, July 21, 2012

WATCH: New Super PAC Supporting Matt Salmon; Largest Contributor To "National Horizon" Prominent Washington Lobbyist/Former White House Counsel; Ad Attacks Adams For Breaking No-Tax Increase Pledge (FOLLOWING MONEY IN ARIZONA'S POLITICS)

A new, Arizona-focused super PAC is entering the GOP primary battle for CD5, running an ad attacking Kirk Adams for breaking his no tax increase pledge.  The super PAC supporting Matt Salmon has raised more than $250,000 and received its largest contribution from prominent Washington lobbyist and conservative activist C. Boyden Gray.

Here is the ad which super PAC National Horizon is beginning to run in the Phoenix area. They paid $8,835 to produce the ad and have made a $19,995 media purchase:

Although Arizona's Politics will follow up with a Fact Check of the ad later, we will briefly note that it compares/contrasts former Arizona House Speaker Adams' alleged breach of his Americans for Tax Reform Pledge with former Rep. Salmon's alleged keeping his pledge to only serve three terms in the House.

National Horizon was formed in April with about $40,000 in seed money from six Arizonans.  It kicked up the fundraising efforts in June, capping the month off with a $50,000 contribution from C. Boyden Gray.

Gray is a former White House Counsel (under George H.W. Bush), and is a prominent Washington player/lobbyist who contributes heavily to Republican candidates and causes - this election cycle, he contributed $50,000 to the Jon Huntsman-supporting super PAC and followed up with an equal donation to the Mitt Romney-supporting super PAC.  This Salmon super PAC is the first non-presidential candidate to receive a $50,000 contribution from Gray, though he has sent more than $270,000 to GOP causes and candidates this year.  Gray is also the co-Chairman of the prominent Tea Party organization Freedom Works. (This is not Gray's first foray into Arizona's congressional races; last election cycle, Gray hosted a Washington fundraiser for then-candidate/now-Rep. Ben Quayle.)

Other major contributors to National Horizon are (all Arizona-based, unless otherwise noted): Plastic Products, Inc. (Lisa and Ed Parker, $25,000), Jerry Hayden (IL, $25,000), Patricia Herbold (WA, $20,000), Gregory Winn ($20,000), and Robert and Annette Schwab ($12,500).

We welcome your comments about this post. Or, if you have something unrelated on your mind, please e-mail to info-at-arizonaspolitics-dot-com or call 602-799-7025. Thanks.

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