Friday, May 1, 2020

NEW: Realtor Launches RECALL Effort Against Gov. Doug Ducey For "Unconstitutional Executive Order"; Contact Information

As a result of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey's extension of the stay-at-home orders, a Valley real estate agent today launched a recall effort against the Governor.

As first noted by KPNX's Brahm Resnik, the "Reopen Arizona"-related recall would need to gather 594,111 valid signatures within 120 days. Resnik gives the effort "a snowball's chance...."

The Chairperson of "Arizonans for Liberty" is Marko Trickovic, and it lists the Treasurer as being Karye Marie Perez. The application (below) lists Mr. Trickovic's Gmail address and cell phone number.

Major recall efforts are very difficult to get to the ballot. The highest profile recall in Arizona in recent history was the successful effort to remove then-State Sen. Russell Pearce in the months after the SB1070 anti-immigration law. Organizers followed that up with an unsuccessful effort to force a countywide recall of then-Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

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1 comment:

  1. Where does one sign the recall petition? Have heard nothing more about it. I know some individuals who want to sign.
