Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SUPPLEMENT: Video, Text of 60-Plus' Attack Ads (vs. Mitchell, Kirkpatrick, Giffords)

[[Yesterday, we ran a Fact Check on TV ads running against three Democratic candidates for re-election to the U.S. House.  We included the text of one of the three nearly-identical ads; today, we run all three and note one interesting difference.]]

Yesterday, we ran the text of the anti-Giffords ad.  As it turns out, that was the only one of the three which threw in the accurate (though somewhat misleading, because it is analyzed to be a deficit-reducer and an economy-wide-expenditure-on-health-care-reducer) claim that the health care reform package "will raise taxes."  Without hunting down the Arizonans who appeared in the commercials, it is impossible to say whether the Giffords' constituents added that line or whether the Mitchell and Kirkpatrick constituents removed it.

Also, it is slightly interesting to see how the closing lines of the three ads slightly differ.  In the anti-Giffords spot, the Rep. is "fired".  Mitchell is accused of "betray(ing) us", with the promise that seniors "won't forget".  And, Kirkpatrick is only mildly scolded as having "voted against us."

By the way, I have not yet received the promised return call from the 60 Plus spokesman (who previously worked for the McCain campaign in 2008).  60 Plus is a 501(c)(4) organization, is permitted to engage in this lobbying, is able to accept money from corporations, has received money from corporations, and has not disclosed who is funding this $4 million campaign.

Anti-Giffords Ad:

--Washington liberals like Gabrielle Giffords are not listening to Arizona seniors.

--The Obama Pelosi health care disaster will raise taxes, cut $500 billion from Medicare,

--Threaten seniors' ability to keep you own doctors, and will hurt the quality of our care.

--Giffords pretends she's independent, but when we needed her to stand up for us,

--Giffords voted with Pelosi - just like all the other liberals.

--Arizona seniors have had enough.

--Gabrielle Giffords, you're fired!

Anti-Kirkpatrick Ad:

--Washington liberals like Ann Kirkpatrick aren’t listening to Arizona seniors.

--The Obama Pelosi health care disaster cuts $500 billion from Medicare, threatens seniors' ability to keep our own doctors, and will hurt the quality of our care.

-- Kirkpatrick pretends she's independent, but when we needed her to stand up for us,

-- Kirkpatrick voted with Pelosi. Arizona seniors have had enough.

--How could we vote for Kirkpatrick after she voted against us? Vote no on Kirkpatrick.

Anti-Mitchell Ad:

--Washington liberals like Harry Mitchell aren’t listening to Arizona seniors.

--The Obama Pelosi health care disaster cuts $500 billion from Medicare,

--Threatens seniors' ability to keep our own doctors, and will hurt the quality of our care.

--Mitchell pretends he's independent, but when we needed him to stand up for us, Mitchell voted with Pelosi

--Just like all the other liberals.

--Harry Mitchell, you’ve betrayed us. And Arizona seniors won’t forget

We welcome your comments about this post. If you have something unrelated on your mind, please e-mail to info-at-arizonaspolitics-dot-com. Thanks.


  1. The point is, Americans - and Arizonans - are overwhelmingly opposed to Obamacare. Democrat incumbents who voted for it are in real trouble, and the 60+ Assoc. knows it and is capitalizing on that mood. Harry Mitchell is polling the worst of the three, with some polls showing him as much as 12 points behind Schweikert. With the DCCC pulling their money out of Arizona, and independent conservative groups like 60+ Assoc. pouring money in, Schweikert has this race in the bag. The other two Republican challengers in CD1 and CD8 have a good shot, but not as clearcut as the Schweikert-Mitchell race.

  2. I'll leave the rationale and opinion to you, Alicia. Thanks for reading and participating.
