Thursday, February 10, 2011

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's Announcement of State Lawsuit Against Federal Governement

Today, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer announced that the state is filing a counterclaim against the U.S. government for "their failure to secure the border and enforce our laws".   (Sure, the pronouns make it appear that the federal government should be enforcing Arizona's laws.)  Attorney General Tom Horne indicates that the basis for the claims is that the U.S. has failed in its constitutional requirement to "protect Arizona from invasion."

The counterclaim (i.e. basically, a lawsuit against a party who has already sued you) is being filed in the federal case(s) that have challenged last year's anti-illegal immigration SB1070 law.

Brewer indicates that the costs of the counterclaim will be paid out of her "Keep AZ Safe Fund".  Whether that will include reimbursing the Attorney General's Office for their expenses remains to be seen. 

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1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news. Help fight illegal immigration. Visit the NumbersUSA and ALIPAC websites. We need federal E-Verify legiislation.
