Friday, April 29, 2011

SPEAKING OUT: A Hero In Tucson Shooting Spree Wants To Work With NRA To Strenghten Background Check System

One of the three Tucsonans who helped put an end to Jared Loughner's shocking January 8 shooting spree is now speaking out to try to prevent other would-be assassins from carrying out future attacks.  Patricia Maisch has a post today on the well-read Huffington Post, calling for the NRA (National Rifle Association) to meet with her and others to find common ground on how to strengthen the background check system that many do not have to go through before purchasing weapons.  Politico has a broader report on the NRA convention, and that those protesting are focusing on the January 8 attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and subsequent shooting spree - which killed 6 and wounded 13.

Maisch has been lauded for being the person who came over and grabbed a second ammunition clip from Loughner as he was being held by two men, Roger Salzgeber and Bill D. Badger.  (link to video of January interview with Maisch)

Here is the action paragraph of Ms. Maisch's column:
"We're asking NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre to join us in seizing on this rare opportunity to make a change that 86 percent of all Americans and 81 percent of gun owners say needs to happen. Because the NRA supports background checks, and Mr. LaPierre has said he wants the checks to be more effective so they catch people who the law says can't have a gun, it stands to reason they should be willing to talk about how to make those checks comprehensive and unavoidable."
As an aside, even though Giffords has been an outspoken gun owner, the NRA worked hard to defeat her last November, spending more than $53,000 on behalf of her Republican opponent, Jesse Kelly (including a radio ad).

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