Wednesday, June 13, 2012

READ: Were Jesse Kelly/Republicans Right? Pelosi Takes "Great Pleasure" In Arizona Special Election Results

As noted here and elsewhere, the main theme of the Jesse Kelly/Republican campaign in the Special Election to replace Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-CD8) was to paint Democratic nominee Ron Barber as a "rubber stamp" for President Barack Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.  Early votes are still being counted, and Pelosi is touting her "great pleasure" at yesterday's results in favor of Barber.

Here's the e-mail she just sent out, through the DCCC:

Mitch --
It is my great pleasure to report that Democrat Ron Barber won a tremendous victory in yesterday’s special election for Gabby Giffords’ seat in Congress!
I am so grateful for all you did to help make this possible. Your donations helped the DCCC put ads on the air, and your phone calls helped get out the Democratic votes we needed to win.
I do have one more favor to ask: Will you sign our card thanking Gabby Giffords for her service and congratulating Congressman-elect Ron Barber on his victory?
This election proved that when we stand up for Social Security, Medicare and the middle class, we can defeat the corporate special interests that are trying to buy our elections.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you again for your unwavering support and determination.
P.S. You can sign our card to Gabby and Ron at

Here's the suggested text of the thank-you card:

Thank you Gabby! You have left a legacy of strength and resolve that inspires us all.
I’d also like to pass along my congratulations to Ron Barber on a tremendous Democratic victory!

Does this mean that Barber should get the ink pad ready?

By the way, the DCCC spent about $460,000 on the race.

We welcome your comments about this post. Or, if you have something unrelated on your mind, please e-mail to info-at-arizonaspolitics-dot-com or call 602-799-7025. Thanks.

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