Tuesday, October 30, 2012

WATCH, AS SEEN ON TV: Senate Race Dominates Airwaves, Several New Spots

("As Seen On TV" is a running series on Arizona's Politics focusing on which campaign ads are airing on Arizona at the moment. Here's a recent listing, if you think any of them warrant some additional checking, let me know!  (Also, remember to enter our contest for a gift card by logging the ads you see and hear, and the mailers you receive.)

Thanks to those readers who sent me their logs of the ads they have seen or heard.  Mary P., James S., D.D., and two others have multiple entries in the gift card drawing.

This log is a compilation of all of the ad sightings logged and received within the past 36 hours.  The corresponding videos of the ads are below the Top 10.  (Notably absent is the Flake spot featuring Sens. McCain and Kyl taking umbrage at Carmona using their decade-old praises.):

1.  (11 sightings) Majority PAC's ad slamming Senatorial nominee Rep. Jeff Flake's uranium mining support.
2.  (10) The DSCC's spot attacking Flake on a variety of fronts.
3.  (8) AFSCME ad against Flake
3.  (8) Now or Never SuperPAC's ad attacking Democratic Senatorial nominee Richard Carmona on a variety of fronts.
5.  (7) The NRCC spot attacking former Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (running for CD1). (You deserve better...)
6.  (6)  No On 204, featuring State Treasurer Doug Ducey.
7.  (4) Newcomer American Commitment's ad slamming Carmona.
7.  (4)  Kirkpatrick's spot with cowboys ripping "Lobbyist Paton"
9.  (3)  DCCC's oldie-but-goodiez(?) equating Vernon Parker (running for CD9) with the Tea Party.
9.  (3)  The Club For Growth's spot asking us how well we know Carmona.
9.  (3)  NRCC calls Kirkpatrick "shameful".
9.  (3)  NRSC's oldie-but-goodie(?) labeling Carmona as a "rubber stamp"
Honorable mention (1 or 2 sightings): Sinema ad, No On 121, Arpaio with kids, Ava Arpaio, Carmona's spot with McCain and Kyl, an ad with Sinema's "Prada socialist" remark, an ad teaming Flake with McCain/Kyl/Romney (which cleverly substitutes "labor" for "Harry Reid")



We welcome your comments about this post. Or, if you have something unrelated on your mind, please e-mail to info-at-arizonaspolitics-dot-com or call 602-799-7025. Thanks.

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