Thursday, May 23, 2013

READ: VETOED! Governor Brewer Follows Through, Vetoes Five Bills As Medicaid Expansion Awaits

We just received five veto letters from Governor Jan Brewer's office.  She vetoed bills that she might have supported, and some that she might not have.  The text of the veto letters is substantially the same; one is reproduced below.

The bills are SB1323 (school buses), SB1445 (school and school district accountability), SB1236 (domestic relations committee), SB1178 (exercise of religion), and SB1088 (constables and private process serving).

We welcome your comments about this post. Or, if you have something unrelated on your mind, please e-mail to info-at-arizonaspolitics-dot-com or call 602-799-7025. Thanks.


  1. Can we say 'snake in the grass'?

  2. Her term in office can not end soon enough for me. She then can join her progressive friends in Washington, DC, and act out her fantasies there. She has done little if anything positive for Arizona in my opinion.

  3. Hi Mitch, Great report. I am a friend in battle. Captain Rick reporting on 'Atridim News Journal' on WordPress:
