Tuesday, June 3, 2014

BEHIND THE COMMERCIAL: Some of the "Specifics" of Doug Ducey's Plan

A new Doug Ducey ad begins airing tomorrow in his campaign to win the hotly-contested GOP nomination for Governor.  In it, he invites viewers to view the specifics of his plan, and lists a few of the headlines.

Naturally, Arizona's Politics had to check out the plan, and decided to present the relevant portions here:

1) "Defend Arizona's Border."
Although he does not specify which border, it is safe to guess he means the southern border, with Mexico.  Here are the specifics:
It all starts with securing the border. Any progress on illegal immigration starts with controlling our border and stopping the flow of illegal immigrants here. It is government’s most basic responsibility, and yet it’s one the federal government has completely botched.
I will protect Arizona’s citizens. I will use every authority granted to the governor to hold the federal government accountable for its consistent failure to meet this urgent law-enforcement obligation. I will also commit significant new state resources to the prevention and prosecution of violent crimes by persons here illegally. Leadership is all about setting priorities, and ensuring our safety is at the top of the list.
Our immigration system is badly broken. The federal government must begin to do its job and get its priorities straight. Legal and thoughtful immigration is good for our country and part of what makes us different and exceptional. We are a nation of immigrants and we need this fixed.
It does not quite send the National Guard to the border, as the soundbite implies.  But, it does promise to "commit significant new state resources...."  The paragraph on immigration reform gives him plenty of wiggle room.

2) "Lower taxes and eliminate regulations."
In making specific promises here, Ducey flies in the face of a recent Republican mantra against President Obama; Ducey promises to act by executive action:
I will submit legislation to reduce taxes every year, with the goal of pushing income tax rates as close to zero as possible.
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We need a government-wide review of regulations, including strengthening and better publicizing the regulatory review mechanism that quantifies the costs of new rules on Arizona employers. By executive action I will eliminate bureaucratic regulations that are unreasonable and unfair to business owners and employees.
3) "Put Parents In Charge of Education" and "Require American History & Civics."
Interesting promises here, especially the promise to resist Common Core standards; current Supt of Public Instruction John Huppenthal has promised to protect it.
As governor, I will submit legislation to eliminate waiting lists for excelling schools, while advancing broad and bipartisan reforms to apply the best practices of high-performing charter and district schools.
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We also need to include more rigorous civics education standards. Arizona kids should graduate knowing the basics regarding American history and what it means to be a U.S. citizen.
State control, not federal. I will resist over-reach from the federal government, including Common Core, and protect our schools from federal intrusion into the state and local responsibility of public education.
He also calls for more spending in classrooms, and states that throwing money at schools is not the answer.  He supports merit pay, and making "real reforms" and getting "better results from the money we already spend."

4) "Stand Up To Obama Administration."
This is a theme that runs throughout the Ducey Plan.  Too many to pick out just one or two.

Here's the plan, so that you can read the entire platform.

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