Thursday, November 19, 2015

READ: Syrian Refugee Bill House Passed Today; One Arizona Democratic Rep Votes "Aye": Here're Sinema's Comments

Here is the Syrian refugee bill that Congress is currently debating and is about to vote on:

There are 89 co-sponsors listed to Rep. McCaul's bill. None of Arizona's nine Representatives are co-sponsoring.

Here is the roll call vote. Arizona Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-CD9) is among the 47 Democrats to vote for it. Only two Republicans voted against the bill: Reps. Steve King (Iowa) and Walter Jones (NC). The final vote was 289-137.

Here is the statement which Sinema put out after the vote:
“The Islamic State is a legitimate, immediate threat to the United States. Congress and the Administration have a duty to keep our country safe from terrorism, and this legislation provides an added level of security to our robust refugee vetting process.
"Welcoming refugees is part of America’s legacy, and we must continue to be a safe haven for the most vulnerable in our world. Today’s bill strengthens our already thorough refugee screening process so we can both keep our country safe and continue to shelter those in need.
"After recent events, the American people deserve the assurances included in this bill. The Administration should not stop the program; it should certify refugees if they pass a thorough and rigorous screening process.
“More work remains to keep our country safe. Threats, like the security gaps in the visa waiver program, remain and require sensible, bipartisan action. I am working on a proposal with both Republicans and Democrats to close this loophole and reduce the threat of terrorists entering the United States from other countries."

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