Saturday, February 23, 2019

(UPDATED) Rep. Kirkpatrick a Late Co-Sponsor Resolution To Reverse President Trump's Emergency (UPDATED)

(UPDATE #2, 2/26: All Democrats voted for the resolution rejecting the emergency declaration, and 13 Republicans - none from Arizona - did, as well. It passed the House, 245-182. The Senate will vote on it within the next couple of weeks, and some reporting from the Senate's weekly Republican lunch today indicates that a number of the majority party's members may help pass it on to the President's desk for a promised veto.)

(UPDATE, 1pm: Rep. Kirkpatrick's office confirms to Arizona's Politics that the Congresswoman has co-sponsored the resolution, although it was shortly after the deadline that had been set by prime sponsor Joaquin Castro and House leadership. The co-sponsor list will be updated on Monday, and Kirkpatrick's name will be on it. Rep. Kirkpatrick remains opposed to the President's use of an emergency declaration to divert taxpayer monies to unnecessary construction of new border walls.)

Arizona Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick is one of a handful of Democrats who did not co-sponsor the resolution to reverse President Trump's declaration of a national emergency to build a border wall.

The southern Arizona Congresswoman is the only Democratic member of Arizona's House delegation to not sign on, and 225 of the House's 235 Democrats are co-sponsors. (Utah Republican Justin Amash is the only Republican co-sponsoring the Castro resolution that will be voted on on Tuesday.)

Kirkpatrick - who was near the border during the week - previously compared Trump's emergency declaration to the boy who cried wolf. She has not yet responded to Arizona's Politics' request for comment on why she failed to sign on.

Here is the one-sentence text of the resolution terminating the national emergency. There reportedly are several Republicans in the Senate who will also support the resolution. However, it is not certain whether either house would have the necessary votes to override the promised Presidential veto.

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